A Brief Look into The History of Nose Surgery
When most people think of nose surgery, they usually think of superstars, high-end prices, and nightmare stories of procedures gone terribly wrong. Probably because bad news sells and spreads like wildfire, much quicker than good news but why? The facts are actually very different and, when taking a look into the history and more modern procedures tells a slightly different story.
Nose surgery heritage
An Indian scientist discovered a way of rebuilding noses in the sixth century, different types of nose surgery have been practiced ever since, initially used on patients who had their noses amputated as a result of a criminal offence. Things like fighting and showdowns also proceeded to cause nose damage for many years, in addition, Europe was once invaded by a major outbreak of syphilis, which left countless numbers of ill individuals decaying and with horrific nose deformities. As a result, research and development into beautiful nose surgery (called เสริมจมูกสวยธรรมชาติ in Thai) began, bringing with it the advanced treatments that we see today to your front door.
It doesn’t have to be drastic
Some people go for a complete transformation with plastic surgery, in some cases, it’s so drastic that you may not recognise the person afterwards, highlights of celebrities ‘nose jobs gone wrong’ are probably the best example, they are a prime display of, going one step too far. The sad thing is, they needn’t have done so.
Beauty is in the finer details
Most people prefer something that is more of an upgrade, something less obtrusive, in fact, with most surgeries nowadays, you might not notice the change until somebody points it out. When looking into the available services it is quite clear that plastic surgery is for those that want a complete change of look and, often, the results are not as beautiful when compared to people who want an enhancement via natural nose surgery.
If you are curious to find out more about natural nose surgery, then your best bet would be to consult with a local surgery to get an idea of what they offer and how realistic your chances are of seeing good results. Following that, a look online at blogs would be a good idea, perhaps check out their social media presence and what people have to say about them. Talk to people with experience and make sure that they either know somebody within their family or have had surgery themselves before otherwise you’re just sifting through opinions.